Wearable baby monitor MonBaby to feature in 444 Target stores across US

Picture credit: MonBaby/YouTube

US retail giant Target will feature the wearable breathing and rollover monitor MonBaby in 444 brick-and-mortar stores across the country, as part of the Connected Home line announced in 2015.

MonBaby is already on sale on Target.com and a number of other online retail channels since early 2016. A certain portion of the brick-and-mortar stores featuring the device will be Target's Baby 360 specialty stores that were launched in 2013.

MonDevices CEO Lev Grzhonko said: “The Internet of Things is becoming more and more commonplace as people incorporate it into their work, play and home lives. It makes sense for a forward-thinking retailer like Target to give this new category a prominent place within its stores, and we look forward to being a part of it.”

MonBaby is a baby monitor, manufactured by MonDevices, which functions as a smart button that tracks the vital statistics of a baby and relays it onto a complementary smartphone app for parents. The offering tracks breathing, sleep position and proximity. The device helps parents fall in line with the American Academy of Pediatrics' safe sleep recommendations.



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