Research: Safety devices will drive wearables beyond fitness – phones will be 'just screens'

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/bernardbodo)

Ericsson surveyed 5,000 smartphone users in Brazil, China, South Korea, the UK and the US for a ConsumerLab report on the views of the 280 million smartphone users around the globe about wearable devices. 

According to Ericsson's 

Voice control your Volvo using the Microsoft Band 2

(Image Credit: Volvo)

Microsoft and Volvo have been keeping busy in the connected car space, and have announced their work together on a system which allows for the control of your Volvo car using the Microsoft Band 2 wearable. In fact, going by CES this year, the whole technology industry has been looking for however they can get their name in this rapidly-growing space. 

Klas Bendrik, Senior Vice President and Group Chief Information Officer at Volvo Car Group, says: “When...

By Ryan Daws, 05 January 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Applications, Apps, Devices, Home Automation, IoT, Smartwatches.