Pebble declined $740m from Citizen last year, now it's reportedly selling to Fitbit for $34m

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/Mlenny)

Pebble was the original Kickstarter success story and remains today as one of the most-funded campaigns in the crowdfunding platform's history. The device helped to propel wearables forward, and subsequent updates have kept the company's devices sharing the main stage with players such as Apple and Samsung. 

Last year, watch manufacturer Citizen offered to buy Pebble for a whopping...

By Ryan Daws, 01 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Smartwatches.

Wearables can gain eternal life from your body heat

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/knape)

Researchers from Texas A&M University have solved the battery life problem of wearables through utilising the body's natural heat. The first watch to make use of such technology is now even being crowdfunded on Indiegogo. 

An often cited problem with today's wearables is battery life...

By Ryan Daws, 14 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Smartwatches.

Fitbit: Major events like the US election are making us lose sleep

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/franckreporter)

Wearable devices can offer some unique insights about our health and the environmental impacts which affect it. Data from 10 million Fitbit devices has revealed that on average users slept 30 minutes less than on the previous two Tuesday nights. 

During the presidential debates, users slept 4.2 minutes less...

By Ryan Daws, 11 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Health & Wellness, Trackers.

Opinion: Microsoft's hardware event is a flourish or fizzle moment

(Image Credit: Microsoft)

During the Wall Street Street Journal's WSJD Live conference, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said there was "no question" the company missed its opportunity when it came to mobile. "We clearly missed the mobile phone, there's no question," Nadella said. "Our goal now is to make sure we grow new categories." 

The peak of the mobile...

By Ryan Daws, 25 October 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Eyewear, Smartwatches, Virtual Reality.

Adopting fitness trackers in businesses saves $1,000 per employee

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/theJIPEN)

Fitness trackers have the ability to save $1000 per employee based on the results of a study conducted by Springbuk. 

The study aimed to calculate the actual return investment of equipping staff with fitness trackers as part of their health and wellness programs, the findings offer a glimpse into how the wearables can not only improve the health of employees...

By Ryan Daws, 19 October 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Enterprise, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Research, Workplace.

TomTom Touch is a bold wearable that doesn't quite fit

You've probably heard of TomTom, but the likelihood is you remember them for some of the best in-car satellite navigation systems. The rise of smartphone apps with connected features and constant updates has muscled in on TomTom's once large market and driven the company to explore more future-proof efforts. 

TomTom believes it has something to offer the developing wearable market and has launched its own fitness band in the form of the TomTom Touch. In a market being flooded with...

By Ryan Daws, 14 October 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Trackers.

TomTom research finds Brits desire more fitness guidance

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/udra)

Not all of us have diet fitness-related degrees, and so unless we invest significant amounts for those which do, we simply move from machine-to-machine hoping for a beach-ready body at some point before we meet our fate. 

Research from TomTom Sports has revealed that most Brits struggle when it comes to maintaining a healthy body; with 83 percent admitting they...

By Ryan Daws, 03 October 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Devices, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Performance Monitoring, Trackers.

Microsoft Band finds employment in helping epilepsy sufferers

(Image Credit: Microsoft

Despite rumours of the demise of the Microsoft Band, the original wearable is being employed to aid epilepsy sufferers in predicting upcoming seizures and help to ensure their safety.

A new program called MyCareCentric is being used for the pioneering epilepsy research developed by a range of partners including Microsoft, the Epilepsy Care Alliance, the University of Kent in the U.K., Shearwater...

Android Wear passes 5 million downloads

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/maislam)

Android Wear hasn't taken off as much as Google would have liked at this stage – hence the company doesn't share exact sales – but the platform now seems to be growing much faster if downloads of its companion app provide any indication.

Back in March last year, the Android Wear app passed the one million downloads mark. As of yesterday, Google switched over the...

By Ryan Daws, 13 September 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Android, Google, Smartwatches.

Advanced wearables falter while basic wearables soar – as market climbs 26.1% in Q2

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/ivo Gretener)

The wearable market is growing admirably, with over 26 percent year-on-year growth, but this is being led by single-function wearables such as fitness trackers while advanced devices with third-party application support have stagnated. 

"Fitness is the low-hanging fruit for wearables," said Jitesh Ubrani, senior research analyst for IDC...

By Ryan Daws, 07 September 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Research, Smartwatches.

Fitbit is found not guilty after Jawbone's accusations

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/franckreporter)

Jawbone launched a case against Fitbit last year after concerns the company poached its staff and used their inside knowledge to get an edge over its rival whilst also infringing on several patents, but a judge has ruled against the accusations. 

Jawbone, a company which has seemingly gone into retreat, was said to have wanted to block Fitbit from...

By Ryan Daws, 24 August 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Trackers.

Sports wearables require a greater focus on improvement advice

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/Jacob Ammentorp Lund)

When most people think of wearables, fitness trackers such as Fitbit come to mind. Whilst these devices are great for tracking your current performance to compare it to your past, they often don't offer advice on how to improve your ability in a chosen sport. 

New research from Lux has signaled the need for sports wearables that go beyond...

Fitbit data has aided scientists in over 200 health studies

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/franckreporter)

Wearables like those offered by Fitbit can amass tons of valuable data on a scale not previously achievable. Researchers have conducted over 200 health studies based on more than two billion minutes of Fitbit data alone – which is pretty incredible. 

The data was collected over four years and has been revealed during a time when Fitbit's CEO has...

By Ryan Daws, 29 July 2016, 1 comment. Categories: Fitness, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Smartwatches, Trackers.

YONO is an in-ear wearable to predict fertility windows

(Image Credit: Yono Labs)

A wearable called YONO is now shipping after successful Kickstarter crowdfunding which aims to help women understand their ovulation cycles and predict their optimum fertility window. 

YONO is a silicone earpiece worn during the night which measures and records Basal Body Temperature (BBT) data every five minutes. Since BBT typically increases during ovulation, this data can be analysed to predict when a...

By Ryan Daws, 14 July 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Devices, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Trackers.

Review: Sound connected with the Motorola VerveOnes+

Earlier this week, WearableTech headed along to Motorola's launch event for their VerveLife range of sports-orientated wearables. Today we've got the flagship VerveOnes+ in the office to put through its paces and see - or rather hear - this latest hearable's capabilities. 


We've come to expect superb design from Motorola, ever since the...

By Ryan Daws, 17 June 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Fitness.

Motorola provides freedom to move with VerveLife range

Motorola invited us to a launch event in London where the company unveiled their range of VerveLife wearable devices. The line-up is focused on the more active of consumers and consists of new smart headphones along with interesting entries into the sports camera market. 

“We are proud to launch VerveLife, a collection of wearable, wireless, and waterproof devices designed to give ultimate...

By Ryan Daws, 14 June 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Fitness.

Nanomaterial advancement offers bendable wearables

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/ChesiireCat)

Wearables today are limited in their flexibility due to current widely-adopted materials being unable to carry the current required for electronic devices. Many researchers have attempted to overcome this hurdle with nanomaterials, but a new ultrathin film could be the most promising advancement yet. 

An international team of nanomaterial researchers...

By Ryan Daws, 13 June 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Clothing & Textiles, Devices, Research.