How wearables in the workplace create new security risks


Imagine you are the chief security officer for a large enterprise organisation and you suddenly find a small TV crew working its way through your offices, panning a video camera back and forth, recording who knows what: product schedules on white boards, financial reports lying about on desks, an org chart pinned to a wall, customer data displayed on screens—all sorts of confidential information. There would be an audio track, as well, recording hallway conversations...

By Paula Skokowski, 08 October 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Privacy, Regulation, Security, Workplace.

Wear your health on your sleeve: The next phase of wearable technology


If you want to appreciate the promise and the challenge of applying new technology to healthcare, look no further than the UK National Health Service.

In 2013, the Secretary of State for Health Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt challenged the NHS to “go paperless by 2018." The goal of this challenge was “to save billions, improve services and help meet the challenges of an ageing population.”

A paperless healthcare facility would have many benefits. It would enable...

By Paula Skokowski, 25 September 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Data & Analytics, Devices, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness.

Why hackable wearables are a growing concern


With the release of the Apple Watch, wearable smart devices are rapidly becoming this year's hot technology accessory, but security experts warn that the data they collect is a gold mine for hackers. More than 420,000 wearable devices were sold in 2014 and the Consumer Electronics Association is predicting a 61% increase in wearables sold this year.

Since wearable...

By Paula Skokowski, 15 April 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Privacy, Security.