Opinion: Healthcare could benefit more from wearables

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/simarik)

The recent focus around wearables at CES pricked my attention yet again. There can be no doubt that wearables are more than just a passing fad, they have engaged consumers in new ways by providing the ability to capture and track health information. But what are we doing with all the data captured by wearables, and how can this benefit the healthcare system?

More often than not, the...

By Nik Stanbridge, 01 February 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Opinion, Trackers.

Opinion: Samsung's Gear S2 faces hurdles away from Android Wear

(Image Credit: Samsung Mobile)

When it comes to design - both hardware and software - there's little dispute that Samsung's Gear S2 has upped the game with its unique rotating bezel and UX. It's even attracted legendary Italian designer Alessandro Mendini. However, it's become clear the Korean giant has some hurdles to overcome when it comes to software and services. 

The issue lies...

By Ryan Daws, 04 September 2015, 2 comments. Categories: Android, Devices, Ecosystems, Opinion, Payments, Samsung, Smartwatches.

Prescription-only wearables: “Maybe number is already up for Fitbits and Jawbones”


Prescription-only wearables have the potential to be not merely life-changing, but life-critical to those who need them. Such devices are already known to be especially effective at monitoring chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy in ‘real time’, sending notifications and alerts every time the wearer enters a ‘danger zone’.

While many of these medical grade wearables start as single purpose devices (such as, for instance, the

By Diana Marian, 07 July 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Fitness, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Opinion.

Wearable tech: Between awkward intrusiveness and useful value exchange


As relatively new additions to our arsenal of tech gadgets, the current state of debate around wearable tech has to date focused almost exclusively around the nuts and bolts: the coolness of the device and features, the accuracy of the data points being tracked and the originality of how this is presented. The unspoken assumption is therefore that the features are the main driver of our decision to purchase and wear one of these devices.

Brushing aside the pomp and pageantry...

By Dean Adkins, 05 June 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Fashion, Opinion, Standards.

Examining marketing strategies in a wearable era

Picture credit: iStockPhoto

Wearable tech is about to change the industry of marketing. Marketing is normally done through a clearly and well-developed campaign in order to promote a certain image of a product. Wearable technology means that these types of marketing campaigns are going to have to change.

Marketers need to be able adapt quickly and be flexible in their market to appeal to customers. Wearable tech opens up a new realm for marketers to use in order to keep in touch with consumers.

By Strap, 29 October 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Opinion.

Why a new approach to software licensing is essential in the Internet of Things

By Jeff Kaplan, managing director, THINKstrategies

The hottest topic in the tech industry is the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) – the idea that nearly every object and device will be connected via high speed networks in the not too distant future. These connected things will produce valuable information which will enable companies to better understand how their products and services are being used so they can better serve their customers, and be in a better position to gain a competitive...

By SafeNet, 01 September 2014, 0 comments. Categories: IoT, Opinion.

Is the future bright for e-commerce with wearable tech?

With wearables emerging as the top trend at CES 2014 and Google Glass being voted this year’s most innovative product in digital retail, it is hard to imagine that not so long ago, you may have been laughed at if you talked about technology devices that you could wear on your body.

While fitness devices make up the vast majority of the market at the moment. Devices are moving from niche applications and early adopters into much more mainstream products. Google Glass which was available only to a limited...

By Philip Rooke, 18 August 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Devices, Eyewear, Mobile Wallet, Opinion.