Opinion: Healthcare could benefit more from wearables

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/simarik)

The recent focus around wearables at CES pricked my attention yet again. There can be no doubt that wearables are more than just a passing fad, they have engaged consumers in new ways by providing the ability to capture and track health information. But what are we doing with all the data captured by wearables, and how can this benefit the healthcare system?

More often than not, the...

By Nik Stanbridge, 01 February 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Contextual Data, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness, Opinion, Trackers.

Opinion: Wearables are creating useful data streams

(Image Credit: OpenSource.com)

A recent article in Bioscience Technology acknowledged how new technologies are generating significant amounts of data in the healthcare and life sciences sectors, and how this is viewed as a positive development for these markets. Data is no longer just being produced from lab...