Wearables in Middle East and Africa positive amidst personal computing downturn

(c)iStock.com/Jon Schulte

The wearables market in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) geographical segment witnessed growth of 65.3% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2016, according to IDC, which monitors seven major countries across MEA, even as shipments into these countries totalled 419,925 units during the quarter. IDC projects a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.1% for the 2016–2020 period for the MEA wearables market.

Nakul Dogra, a senior research analyst for personal computing, systems,...

By Wearable Tech, 05 July 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Regulation, Research, Smartwatches.

IoT and wearable devices: How standardisation is helping to drive market adoption


It’s predicted that as part of the IoT, connected devices could grow to reach 50 billion by 2020 - and a lot of that growth will be attributed to wearable technology. The medical industry and healthcare providers have been at the forefront of utilising wearable technology to monitor trends, assess medications, and adjust therapies based on behavioural patterns and data collection from wearable devices.

Still, there are a lot of other potential applications emerging in the wearable devices...

By Bill Ash, 26 April 2016, 0 comments. Categories: IoT, Regulation, Standards.

How wearables in the workplace create new security risks


Imagine you are the chief security officer for a large enterprise organisation and you suddenly find a small TV crew working its way through your offices, panning a video camera back and forth, recording who knows what: product schedules on white boards, financial reports lying about on desks, an org chart pinned to a wall, customer data displayed on screens—all sorts of confidential information. There would be an audio track, as well, recording hallway conversations...

By Paula Skokowski, 08 October 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Privacy, Regulation, Security, Workplace.

The man who hacked his own wristband: A warning to wearable tech owners


Kaspersky lab security researcher Roman Unuchek has written on how the authentication method in popular smart wristbands allows a third party to connect to the device, execute commands and even extract data.

The worrying findings came after a multiple month investigation, after Unuchek had initially attempted to connect his personal wristband – which remains nameless – and found he could easily connect to his colleague’s Nike+ FuelBand SE.

Using some code already...

By James Bourne, 30 March 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Health & Wellness, Regulation, Research, Security, Smartwatches.

Research: Smartwatches affect drivers more than phones

(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/gmnicholas)

Tests conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) in Wokingham have shown that reading a smartwatch whilst driving is more distracting than reading a smartphone and results in longer reaction time to perform an emergency manoeuvre.

A driver reading a message on a smartwatch took 2.52 seconds to react in an emergency, whilst using a handheld mobile caused a 1.85 second delay. The TRL also tested...

By Ryan Daws, 13 March 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Android, iOS, Regulation, Research, Smartwatches.

Salesforce announces Epson, Jawbone, Oculus to join Salesforce Wear

Salesforce has announced a bunch of new stuff on its Salesforce Wear wearable tech platform, with an array of new hardware manufacturers on board alongside more ISVs and partnerships aiming to create killer enterprise applications.

Five new device manufacturers – Epson, Jawbone, Meta, Oculus and Vuzix – have lent their support to building apps on the platform, joining the likes of Google Glass, Samsung Gear and Pebble.

"The explosive growth of Salesforce Wear has validated the need for a...

By James Bourne, 04 September 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Applications, Data & Analytics, Enterprise, Regulation, Workplace.