Interview: What could the delay of the Vive mean for HTC?

(Image Credit: HTC VR)

Some people aren't even aware the Vive exists amongst headlines dominated by the likes of Oculus – which is the case with a lot of recent products by HTC. But the Vive, for those unaware, is an impressive VR headset from HTC built in collaboration with one of the most renowned names in gaming, Valve

Yesterday, HTC announced the Vive would be delayed until April 2016. We caught-up with Dan Page, a VR consultant and organiser behind the...

By Ryan Daws, 09 December 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Gaming, Virtual Reality.

FingerAngle revolutionises wearable interactions

(Image Credit: Qeexo)

Apple can detect pressure on their latest iPhones and smartwatch due to 3D Touch and Force Touch, but that requires new hardware. A new algorithm developed by Qeexo called FingerAngle could revolutionise how we interact with our wearable devices, just through a software update. 

FingerAngle detects at which angle the user is placing their finger, and respond in unique ways as the finger is turned. Whilst on current smartwatches you...

By Ryan Daws, 16 November 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Devices, Gaming, Research, Smartwatches, UI.

MWC15: Muse is a "fitness tracker for your brain"

The fitness industry is driving wearable adoption, as the success of devices such as Fitbit proves. In fact, on-stage at MWC we heard from Fitbit's Vice President, Gareth Jones, about how their range are breaking into a market which has been reserved to early-adopters through partnerships such as that with WeightWatchers.

So far, these trackers have focused on things like heart rate and perspiration. The most important part of a person's wellbeing, however, is their mental state. No-one wants to...

Google's Wearable Wednesday - Cardboard SDK, Android Wear 5.0...

Cardboard is not an Oculus Rift, but Google’s 63p VR headset is accessible to just about anyone with a smartphone - in fact over 500,000 people are said to have adopted it. Developers have created over 24 apps which can be found in the newly-launched store to show-off the incredible feat the Google team has achieved with a piece of cardboard, two magnets, and a pair of...

By Ryan Daws, 11 December 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Android, Applications, Eyewear, Gaming, Smartwatches.

Opinion: Wearables are the key to the holodeck

Picture credit: JDHancock

If you're a bit of a geek like me, then ever since seeing the holodeck in Star Trek you will have dreamed of a room you can walk in and be virtually transported anywhere without the hassle and cost of flights and/or public transport.

Microsoft Research revealed its 'IllumiRoom' project last year and provided us with an exciting look at the future of gaming. Now IllumiRoom is back with a spiritual successor under the new name of...

By Ryan Daws, 06 October 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Gaming, Virtual Reality.